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Kookaburra - photos

Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo
Kookaburra photo

About Kookaburra

Kookaburras are large kingfishers native to Australia. The kookaburra's call is one of the best known of all birds because its distinctive song.

While you may not have seen a Kookaburra, you likely have heard one. Hollywood has used the Kookaburra song as a background in many movies when on location in a jungle or forest, even when the location is not Australia.

The birds call sounds like crazy laughter and they are particularly noisy at dawn and dusk.

Kookaburras diet consists of small birds, snakes, lizards, insects, and mice. They often hang around barbeque areas in order to eat scrap meat. There are four different species of kookaburra.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Australia). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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