The interface design, menus, graphics and all images of Virtual Oceania are owned by the parent company Virtualtopia unless otherwise specified.
Virtual Oceania includes the following sections:
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You can use our content (text and/or images) for educational purposes without express permission, so long as you cite the source of the image or text in your resource or work. Educational purposes means the content can be used in the classroom as a resource for teachers or in homework from students. This allowance does not extend to commercial or private works outside of education unless written consent is given. Citations for the source of an image or text should include the URL of the page where the image or text is located. You can also cite the homepage and name of the site or section. Here are some examples:
Outside of education, if you wish to include any of our images or text, please contact us. In most cases, you can use some of our content for free, but you must ask first.
You are allowed to copy the fullscreen images for use as computer backgrounds and wallpaper. These Wallpaper Images can be downloaded to any computer with no limitation and passed on to anyone as long as the images are not altered in any way. It is illegal to charge for these images.
You are free to embed our images into your own website using our embed code under each photo. There is a limit of 12 different images you can place in one web site.
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To use our images other than embedding them in another site, or to gain the original image files for purposes of reuse, you need to obtain a license. See our licencing page for more details.
Excepting the uses above and expressed permission from Virtualtopia Ltd, you may not reproduce, distribute, transmit, or otherwise exploit the content in any other way. In particular, you may not include the content on Virtual Oceania in any other publication, product, web site, computer network, or presentation execept for the allowances specified above. In addition, you must abide all other terms, conditions, and restrictions contained in any other agreement associated with the content throughout our web site
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Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Oceania). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
Our content: logos, site names, text, photos, and website design are protected by international copyright law.
Original versions of our photos can be purchased / licensed & web versions can be shared subject to conditions.