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Brisbane - photos

Brisbane Skyline photo
Brisbane Skyline photo
Brisbane Skyline photo
Brisbane River photo
William Jolly Bridge photo
Goodwill Bridge photo
Brisbane photo
Brisbane River photo
XXXX photo
Building photo
Brisbane Skyline photo
Brisbane Skyline & River photo

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About Brisbane

Brisbane is the capital of Queensland and Australia's third largest metropolis. Located in the southeastern corner of Queensland, the city is built on the banks of the Brisbane River between Moreton Bay in the east and the Great Dividing Range to the west

With an almost perfect climate, Brisbane has an average of more than seven hours of sunshine per day. Most rain falls between December and March making it the perfect place for outdoor activities. Read more ››

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Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Australia). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
Our content: logos, site names, text, photos, and website design are protected by international copyright law.
Original versions of our photos can be purchased / licensed & web versions can be shared subject to conditions.