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Purling Brook Falls - photos

Purling Brook Falls photo
Purling Brook Falls photo
Purling Brook Falls photo
Purling Brook Falls photo
Purling Brook Falls photo
Top of Purling Brook Falls photo
Purling Brook Falls photo
Purling Brook Falls photo

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About Purling Brook Falls

Purling Brook Falls is located in Springbrook National Park behind the Gold Coast hinterland. It is part of the area dubbed "The Green Behind the Gold".

To see the falls, you can take a short track that leads to the top of the falls and another longer track that takes you through the surrounded rainforested valley with a view of Tanninaba Falls onroute. Further on the track takes you to the bottom of Purling Brook Falls. A side track leads 1 km down a creek to Waringa Pool and surrounding rainforest.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Australia). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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