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Westland - photos

Franz Josef photo
Southern Alps photo
Fox Glacier photo
Fox Glacier photo
Westland Coastline photos
Southern Alps photos

About Westland

Westland National Park is located on the western side of the South Island. It covers 1,175 kmĀ², and extends from highest peaks in the Southern Alps, to lush rainforest clad hills and mountains and ends at the rugged and remote western coastline. This range of landscapes includes features as diverse as snow capped peaks,permanent snow fileds, glaciers, wild rivers, scenic lakes, pristine rainforests, and rocky and sandy shorelines.

The park borders Mt Cook National Park, which itself has the highest mountains in all of Australasia. Nearby Okarito Lagoon is famous for the stunning kotuku/white heron. There are also wild brown kiwi in the lowland forests.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual New Zealand). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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