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Rivers in Fiordland NP - photos

Arthur River photo
Sutherland Falls photo
Eglinton River photo
Clinton River photo
Sutherland Falls photo
Waterfall photo
Mountain River photo
Waterfall photo
Arthur River photo
Clinton River photo
Clinton River photo
Clinton River photo
Eglinton River photo
Clinton River photo
Clinton River photo
Arthur River photo
Mountain Stream photo
Sutherland Falls photo
Fiordland National Park photos

About Rivers in Fiordland NP

Fiordland National Park is home to some of New Zealand's most secluded and scenic rivers as well as spectacular waterfalls. The water in this park is also reputably the freshest in the world and the yearly rainfall is one of the highest. Flash floods are frequent and create many temporary rivers as well as thunderous waterfalls that empty into the fiords. Unlike most places, visiting here when it is raining is an attraction.

Fiords by definition are valleys that have been inundated by the ocean, so they contain salt water. However, the massive amount of fresh water that is deposited into the fiords contains tannis from the surrounding vegetation that clings to the walls of the fiords. Because fresh water is lighter than salt water, the fresh tannis stained water floats and filters out light. The result is deep sea marine life is found much closer to the surface than usual. For this reason, Fiordland offers great diving opportunities.

Fiordland also has great fishing in rivers as well as the ocean. Couple this with pristine and spectacular landscapes and you have a truly unique world class fishing destination.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual New Zealand). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
Our content: logos, site names, text, photos, and website design are protected by international copyright law.
Original versions of our photos can be purchased / licensed & web versions can be shared subject to conditions.