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Tonga Photo Stock

All Virtual Tonga images can be licensed for use in PRINTING, WWW, TV, CD, DVD, PPT, and other mediums. We have two simple licenses:

Choose the appropriate license below:

  1. Royalty-free licensing →

    (No-limitation use on any media)
    This license grants you perpetual and non-restrictive use of an image or images. You can use the image in as many projects as you like, for a one-time flat fee. Once you purchase this license, the image is ready to use in advertising, brochures, packaging, web sites, multimedia projects, and more. This license remains exclusive to you, the purchaser. You cannot make the image available for use or download to a third party at cost or for free, and you cannot give or sell the license to another party.
  2. Exclusive licensing →

    (Eliminate similtaneous use by competitors)
    You can request exclusive rights to an image to eliminate its simultaneous use by competitors. This license has a number of different time options. Starting at 1 month to permanent exclusivity. Use of the image during the specified time is unlimited, (same rights as the Royalty-Free license above). Permanent exclusivity is the same as buying all rights to the image. 


Learn more about the photo library and images →

(format, printing cabability, delivery, service and contact details etc)


Clients that have used our photos →





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Tonga). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
Our content: logos, site names, text, photos, and website design are protected by international copyright law.
Original versions of our photos can be purchased / licensed & web versions can be shared subject to conditions.