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Tongan Flowers - photos

Coastal Flower photo
Hibiscus Flower photo
Allamanda photo
Orange Hibiscus Flower photo
Coastal Flower photo
Allamanda photo
Hibiscus Flower photo
Hibiscus Flower photo

About Tongan Flowers

Tonga's tropical climate allows many tropical flowers to flourish. It is common to see bird of paradise, frangipani, and hibiscus growing wild and in gardens all over Tonga. Flowers add colour with some flower species even grow on the coast adding colour to beaches and mangrove areas.

The national flower of Tonga is the Red-blossomed Heilala and it is celebrated with a festival of the same name, on the fourth of July.





Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Tonga). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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Original versions of our photos can be purchased / licensed & web versions can be shared subject to conditions.