Sunday in Tonga is celebrated as a strict sabbath and is enshrined so in the constitution. The vast majority of the population will attend religious services, very few shops will be open and there is very little to do outside visiting a Church.
Tongans on Sunday, dress in their best clothes (including traditional dress). Tongan men wear a tupenu, a type of cloth skirt that goes around the waist and long enough to cover the knees. They also wear a ta‘ovala, a traditional Tongan mat that is very short and is worn around the waist and is tied with a kafa, a Tongan traditional string made from coconut fibre. This is accompanied with a collared shirt. Women wear a dress and tunpenu with a ta‘ovala around the waist that goes down to the knees.
Author & photographer: David Johnson (Virtual Tonga). Providing a credit or link is appreciated.
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